We are living in a world where everything is connected everywhere. From country to country, from earth to space, XMW’s technology enables multi-network communication to build more connected universe.
XMW, we provide variety of products, including transmitters and receivers for Ka-band satellite communication and mmWave terrestrial communication to over 20 countries around the world.
Satellite communication market is growing annually by more than 10%, rapidly evolving into the next-generation communication service that combines satellite communication and terrestrial mobile communication. Recent record shows Amazon, Telesat, and SES have made heavy investments in LEO and MEO satellite communication services using Ka-band. We have developed and released the products that will be used as essentials for this next generation communication market. We expect to benefit directly and indirectly from the growth of related markets.
We have technologies and product lines with newly emerging market, which will drive us to rapid growth. SATCOM is our major business now and we’re expanding to terrestrial and radar business.
Based on our steady growing SATCOM business, we have prepared for three big projects which will lead us to bigger and faster growth for 5 years from 2023 to 2027. They are LEO & MEO in SATCOM, mobile 5G & related market, and RADAR. Year 2024 will be the first year that will show our growth potential.
XMW will capture the future opportunity from 2028 to 2032, devoted to the Wireless Convergence Solution for future air mobility with the brand name of AirWCS
There are space for satellite and sky for the planes, now world is preparing for a lower altitude ecosystem for drones, planes and others. This will consume SATCOM, mobile 5G, and RADAR technology, products and solution as a whole package, which XMW has been experienced and waiting for this momentum to bring the company to next level.